Lesson 01

Starting a Project

In this first lesson of our first week of development, we'll scaffold out a project and organize its basic structure. We'll also get to know our text editor and how we can customize it to make our dev experience 💯

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Lesson 02

CSS Selectors

In this lesson we'll briefly recap how to write CSS and select different built-in and user-defined elements. We'll even boost our knowledge a bit by introducing pseudo-classes into our codebase.

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Lesson 03

Creating a Layout with CSS

In this lesson we'll look at how to utilize two tools in CSS - grids and flexbox - to create responsive, sleek layouts. By the end you'll have all the tools you need to transfer your designs from Figma to a browser-rendered site.

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Lesson 04

Responsive Styling

Users are navigating our sites from all kinds of devices: phones, desktop computers, TVs...the list, and range of dimensions, is endless. We want our site to look high-quality regardless of screen size. With responsive styling, we can make sure it always does.

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Lesson 05

States and Animation with CSS

There's a lot that can be done with CSS besides styling the arrangement and appearance of elements. In this lesson, we'll take a look at how we can use animations and state changes to transform elements on the page.

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Lesson 06

Deploying to Github

Today, we go live! In this lesson, we'll cover two methods of integrating your project with Github and getting your site online to a publicly available URL.

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